Monday, 17 March 2008

March 17, 2008

Okay, I went to the Matsuri yesterday.
And it was AWESOME.
It was at Vivo City--the entire place is so freakingly huge that you can get lost extremely easily.
First, I met up with Marie and her friend (whose name I've forgotten).
And we went to get lunch.
Then we walked around for a while.
And decided to go back to take photos.
And no, I'm too lazy to upload the photos.
If you want to see them, go find my account on photobucket.
My username is: Vampyric_Lycan.
Neways, back to the topic.
We stayed indoors--it was actually raining before, and we were walking outside, so my jeans got wet.
Really annoying.
Then we outside to sit down--out of boredom, I guess...
And saw bossu and nanny.
I'd never met nanny before, and I'd only met bossu once, so I wasn't exactly sure it was them.
You can imagine how embarassed I was, going up with my 2 friends to ask nanny, "Are you Sasuke Dragon?"
She was actually cosplaying Kurei, from Flame of Recca.
And bossu was cosplaying Hunny, from Ouran High School Host Club.
Let me tell you, they were PRO.
And so was Goofy--although I didn't go up and say "hi" to her.
Too embarassed, and I doubt she actually knows who I am.
Neways, we were extremely BORED.
We walked around a bit, took a few photos...
But was still bored.
Then came some cosplayers who decided to perform a dance.
3 dances, actually.
We watched, thinking the event started...
...but it hadn't.
So we just waited around for the event to start...
It was supposed to have started at 5pm, but apparently, they were delayed.
By more than 30 minutes.
And then yaoi came.
She sat with me for a while, then went to search for the others.
The event started.
And let me say something.
No drama performances, no singing, no dancing (unless you count the one earlier on).
Okay, fine, there was a skit.
Which didn't make much sense.
Then, Marie and her friend had to go and do some shopping, so I stayed with yaoi.
And she showed me a friend of hers, who REALLY looks like Light from Death Note.
We forced him to pose for us.
Yaoi shoved the book she was using for discussing the Alice in Wonderland team that we are planning--she's the leader, I'm the vice-leader--at him, to use as the "Death Note".
Gave him a pen.
Forced him to pose.
I took a few pictures.
Then, we forced people to lie down in front of him, pretend they're dead.
More people started coming to take photos.
Bossu put her bunny behind him, and forced one of our friends who was cosplaying as a maid to stand behind him.
The guys who were pretending to die started piling up on top of each other.
And bossu put her bunny in the middle.
Then, "Light" started piling ON the bunny as well.
And more guys.
Note that all were guys--except for the bunny. Wait, is the bunny a guy?
Neways, a whole CROWD had formed.
And we were shrieking, "YAOI!!!"
Honestly, if you don't know what yaoi means, you won't understand what I'm saying.
Then the mafia group who was present at the cosplay, aka bossu, nanny, me, yaoi, kaen, and 2 other friends posed.
And also, there were suddenly lots of photographers that gathered around us.
And we were like, "WTF???!!! Why are so many people taking our photos???"
Then, bossu started posing for her own pictures--people were asking.
So we started taking pics of "Light" again.
And this time, he was holding the "real" Death Note.
Btw, he returned the other one to yaoi.
Which we called the Yaoi Alice in Wonderland Note.
Or, in short, the Yaoi Note.
We dragged an L cosplayer--a girl--to cosplay yaoi photos with "Light".
Needless to say, she got traumatised.
So then, we went of to find a MALE L cosplayer.
While some of the others restrained "Light".
Unfortunately, "Light" escaped--and ran away.
Then, we split up and walked randomly around.
We met up again, eventually, at the plastic cows.
Bossu got onto a cow, and did a few poses, which I took pictures of.
We tried to get nanny onto the cow, but she refused.
And bossu nearly fell off the cow.
In the end, we all leaned towards the cow, as someone played "I Am Cow" on their handphone.
And laughed insanely.
I think yaoi took a few pictures of us--not sure.
We went separate ways again--and I had to go back soon.
My mom came and picked me up.
So SAD...
Because I didn't want to leave yet.
Neways, that's all I'm gonna say for today.

posted by Eleanor @ 6:16 am

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Choir camp was damn fun.
From the 7th to the 9th of March.
First day, we went to choir room; and got assigned groups. My group was Venus--Yan Ling was our leader~~ Then, we went to our bunks and put our things, and went back up to play icebreaker. But when I was going down the stairs, I became extremely clumsy and tripped--I didn't fall, but I sprained my ankle... =.= So we played the icebreaker thing...then the "cloth" game thing. Our group lost... V______V
Then it was Jammin' Session. Venus and Uranus (ur-anus...XDD) teamed up. We were discussing about the topic on "family", and somehow it led to Romeo and Juliet. O______o
The we had rehearsals with Mrs Sassarak.
Then the night trail... it wasn't scary. =.=
All the 4 groups ended up working together to find the stupid shoe.
Then we banged on the choir room--very loud. XDD
And finally, we bathed and went to sleep...
...I could sleep at first, but after that, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep again.
Second day, I was so tired...
...still had stupid Fund Fiesta...
I was so bored on the bus.
Then got there, I just sat on the mat with Ms Low, Poh Rong and Sok Ying...
Almost for the whole time we spent there.
Was so hot that my skin become darker already... XDD
Poh Rong got sun-burnt...
Then we went back to school, and on the way there, I was falling asleep in the middle of sms-ing my friend. So in the end, accidentally sent sms that said crap to her...and I dropped my phone...
We were so tired that Gloria told the seniors to rest first. The sec 1s followed Amanda to learn "Sing for Joy".
I fell asleep.
Then when I woke up, heard someone snoring DAMN loudly.
Then we rehearsed again.
And played "Mother, Father and Child" game.
But it rained.
So we went to the hall to play.
And I got hit on the cheek while catching the other group, so now I have a big, ugly bruise... TT___TT
Then we went for dinner.
And Jammin' Session.
In the end, we combined all the groups, and chose the idea--we decided that our groups idea of Romeo and Juliet was the best, so we used it.
Michelle Kang was Judy (Juliet).
I was the Narrator.
Then we watched the Phantom of the Opera.
It was nice, but it was too long.
I love the songs. ^^
And we played water bombs. I played for the "Mother, Father and Child" part, but other than that, I didn't really play.
BTW, our group won for the "Mother, Father and Child" part.
Then I sat there...
So I decided to go and talk to Michelle Kang.
Then, she announced how dry I was, and everyone started water bombing me.
Then went for shower, then supper.
Michelle Kang's mom brought ice-cream~!!
Then we went to sleep.
Day three, we went to the choir room to have briefing, and went down for breakfast. This time, it was Venus' turn to wash up...
Then, it was Jammin' Session. We managed to finish almost everything except the last scene.
Then Mrs Sassarak came, and we had rehearsal again--touched up on some stuff.
Then lunch.
And then, Jammin' Session, until about 3pm. After that, we had games.
Venus got 2nd for the first game, and 1st for the second.
We played until around 4.45pm, then we went to wash up and change.
Gloria, Michelle Kang and Poh Rong decided to play with my hair...
In the end, Poh Rong managed to braid it.
Since Rayner fell during the games, Dao Qian had to take his place as Roger (Romeo).
Then buffet--Li Yu kept on going around to take photos of all of us. Then my parents came.
Soon after, we all went up to the dance room to rehearse a bit more.
Then the parents started coming.
Amanda, Michelle Kang, a sec 2 who's name I've forgotten and me went to usher them up.
I was the last to go up, because of uncle who wanted to go to the toilet.
Then I went in. Samuel Chan was the MC, and he started introducing and whatever.
We sang.
After all the songs, Samuel said, "I shall now pass the stage (or mic, or whatever) to Eleanor."
I was like: HOMG, WHAT AM I GONNA DO???!!!
Then I went and narrated.
Dao Qian actually forgot his last line, but luckily Jeremy saved him.
Can't blame him, it was a last minute change...
Jeremy Tan kept on tripping over
The whole group went up to shake hands up with Ms Chen.
Then we went back to the choir room--PHOTO-TAKING TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Then, the sec 4s started talking about how they were going to leave choir soon...
A lot of people cried--Michelle Tay (I think) and I were the few exceptions.
Then went home, and went to sleep.
The 10th of March, I GOT MY X ART BOOK!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
On the 11th of March, I was going to meet up with my Cosplay group-mates to get our costumes~!!!
Unfortunately, only 4 of us could make it...
Minx and I met up first, at Orchard MRT, and went shopping at Ngee Ann.
Went to Kinokuniya to get manga. ^^
I had to pay $6-something, and after I told the cashier that no, I wasn't a member, Minx told me she had the card.
I wasted money...
Then we went to Bugis!!!
We walked around for a while--I bought candy~!!!
Lots of it.
Minx was staring at me like I was crazy.
Then we went back and waited...
2 people who were going to the airport (or so we assumed; they were holding passports) left their luggage--at least, I think it was theirs.
We sat there for a long time, waiting for Yaoi and Bossu.
We waited for about half an hour, then started thinking about how strange it was...
How come leave the bag for so long, and still haven't come back?
Cannot take so long to realise, right?
Then Minx started worrying if it was a bomb--sorta jokingly, lar...
But anyway, we told the helping/receptionist/whatever person.
More like, I was the one who told them.
Then after a long time of waiting, Bossu arrived.
I was approaching her, and was like, "Um, are you STJH?"
Then she said yes, and asked who was who.
Minx told her who she was, and Bossu also couldn't pronounce my nickname--Chthonian.
In the end, Minx and I were discussing it...Minx decided to call me Octopus.
Then changed it to Evil Octopus.
After a while, Yaoi FINALLY arrived.
But the way she arrived was shocking.
As in:
OMGWTF!!!-kind of shocking.
She suddenly ran it, shuffled, slided, went on her knees and kowtow-ed.
And begged for forgiveness.
At least, that was how she put it.
Minx, me, and a few people standing around us were O.o-ing.
We walked to the jumpsuit place--or at least, tried to. Yaoi got us lost.
She ended up having to call Kaen.
We got our jumpsuits, then went down to get a drink, and for Yaoi, food.
And talked about Yaoi (not the person--the thing).
And Yaoi showed us Yaoi...on her phone.
Yaoi started laughing, because of something Bossu said.
Then I started laughing.
Then Yaoi laughed even more.
I laughed even more.
Bossu and Minx started diao-ing.
And then, Yaoi took out a tie.
I was like, "Ew, no, is that a tie?"
Then Minx was like, "No, it's string."
Then I was like, "Okay, good, it's not a tie. Because I hate ties..."
And they started staring at me like I was crazy.
Then Bossu commented, "That was really slow."
And I started laughing.
And Yaoi started laughing.
And I laughed even more.
Yaoi laughed even more.
And the cycle repeated.
And Bossu was like, "All I said was a few words!"
Which made us start laughing even harder.
And making Bossu and Minx diao even harder.
Then we had to go back.
And Yaoi got us lost.
I swear, Yaoi has absolutely NO sense of direction.
We went back to Bugis MRT.
Or at least, Yaoi and I did.
Minx and Bossu stayed on the MRT to go back home.
Yaoi was getting boots.
My parents were picking me up.
I asked Yaoi to help me find the taxi stand, and in the end, we got lost.
Finally managed to get there, but not the taxi stand--I told my parents that I was waiting at a different place, a bus -stop.
My parents picked me up.
And go to sleep~~
And now, it is extremely late.
And I've typed for too long.

posted by Eleanor @ 9:51 am

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008

Sleepiness makes me hyper.
It's true.
Today is choir camp.
And today I had to stay up extremely late, finishing my art.
Anyways, about Lal's costume--I suddenly remembered what her weapon is.
A machine gun.
Isn't that COOL?!
I get a machine gun.
And when I wear my costume in public, the police are gonna suspect me of being in league with the JI.
Okay, I blame sgcafe.
I dunno why.
Really hyper.
But sleepy.

posted by Eleanor @ 9:26 am

Monday, 3 March 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I have no idea why I'm torturing myself like this. I actually went through a whole freaking list of blogskins, and ended up with this one.
And I'm falling sick. Rawr.
At least I finally got my digital camera~~
And now, the date when I meet my group members has become unconfirmed. Some say 10th cannot, so must shift to 11th. Others say 11th cannot, so must shift to 10th. It was originally 10th, though.
It's finally the last week of Term 1. But on Friday I have choir camp. >.>
Okay, not that I hate choir, it's just that the camp clashes with too many things--my Japanese class, my Maths tuition, my piano class and my Chinese tuition.
In the end, I have to try and make up most of them.
Today will be Japanese class. At 6.50pm.
Tomorrow will be maths tuition.
Next Tuesday--in other words, 11th--will be Chinese tuition.
If there is a God, he must really hate me.
And I now need to save up lots of money to buy my costume, my wig, my visor, my make-up...
As my friend says, it's a really expensive hobby.
And that's just for the Streetfest.
Alright, fine, I'm going to be reusing my wig during the photoshoot--but the costume is different, because the one I'm using during Streetfest is actually the jumpsuit version. I'm going to be doing the business suit version for the photoshoot.
And for the EOY, it's a COMPLETELY different thing.
X/1999 is NOT related to KHR.
So, I have to buy a completely new costume, which will cost lots, because it is extremely elaborate.
And, I must buy the wig.
And the wings.
And the contact lenses.
Okay, fine, I'm looking forward to Cosplaying--it's just that it really costs too much.
Tailors are evil.
Okay, enough ranting for the night--morning, actually--I am going to go and either read KHR manga, or read fanfics.
And die during Japanese class later on.
Ja ne!

posted by Eleanor @ 10:12 am