Wednesday, 27 February 2008

February 28, 2008

Okay, I'm really, extremely happy now. I PASSED MY JLPT4! Yeah, and here I was thinking I'd fail it. I was like, so panicked in the car when my mom told me that a letter from the Japanese Association thingy came, and then I opened the letter, looked at it, and whaddya know. I passed.
So my weakest sections were listening and grammar. My point? It wasn't my fault that I got so low in those. Honestly. I hadn't really studied... but at least I definitely got over 60% for those 2 parts. Vocabulary was my strongest point. I got nearly 80% in it. Haha. So I definitely passed overall--I had more than 60%.
But the unfortunate part--today was maths and literature. Oh God, I'm sure I'm going to fail those 2 subjects. I'm really hoping that I won't fail them. Oh well. At least now there's only 1 subject left: Geography. I may decide to take Geography instead of Literature for my Humanities. I haven't really decided yet, but it's definitely between those 2 choices. Because my History is horrible.
Now, the Cosplay part of this post. Haha. Basically, I'm just getting my Katekyo costume first. Because I don't think I'll have enough money left to buy the X stuff. Must save money! In the end, the total is going to be a few hundred dollars. Argh. There goes my money.
Anyways, these are the things I'm going to get:
A lot, right? I think so too. The platforms are extremely expensive by themselves, but having to add all these extra stuff? I think I might as well go and die. But for the contacts, I'll probably wait until a later date to get. You must also be wondering why I need a Colonnello plushie. That's because Colonnello is so absolutely cute. XD Okay, bad reason. But whatever. The ones below--from Colonnello onwards--are actually just extras. Get if we have enough money. If not enough, then we get next time. And by "we", I mean my friend and I.
Okay, I'm sure I've rambled on enough. I've got to go finish my Geography newsletter. TTFN!

posted by Eleanor @ 8:45 am

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

February 27, 2008

Whee~ -spins- I'm a confirmed X/1999 and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Cosplayer! (Actually, X was confirmed in January. I only confirmed Katekyo yesterday.) Haha. Anyway, to those who are wondering, I'm going as Lal Mirch from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! during the Streetfest (the date hasn't been confirmed yet) and Kotori from X/1999 during the EOY (End Of Year). I'm really, really, insanely excited. XD I haven't actually met any of my group members yet--except for my friend who is Cosplaying from Katekyo--but I'm meeting my Katekyo teammates on March 10. ^^ I'm actually also going shopping with the friend who is Cosplaying with me.
Actually, Cosplaying is really expensive. It's going to cost me a few hundred dollars--especially for my X cosplay. The dress is so insanely ELABORATE. And it looks extremely heavy. Geh. And the wigs--they cost a lot, too. Some are around S$50+. Really, really expensive. And the wings. I have to wear wings for my X Cosplay. I have no real idea how much they'll cost me, though. Oh, yes, the contacts. And the visor, which I need because of Katekyo.
My March holidays are really booked--homework from teachers, watching L Changed the World with my friends, shopping for Cosplay stuff with a friend and of course, The Matsuri!
The Matsuri is the Cosplay. It's on March 15 and 16, a Saturday and Sunday. I'm only going on the 16, though. I have tuition on the 15th. And besides, 15 is for J-rockers and Lolita--things that I'm not as interested in as Cosplay.
Really, really packed. I doubt I would be able to add anything in, even if I tried. Actually, that statement is a lie. I can still fill my March holidays up with other stuff--I still have the room--but I'm not going to. March holidays aren't really holidays. They're actually days where although students don't need to go to school, teachers purposely pile them up with homework to murder them.
Okay, fine. I'm exaggerating.
But I'm not the only one of my friends who is Cosplaying this year! One friend is Cosplaying as a D.Gray-man character (hasn't been confirmed yet, I think), another is Cosplaying with me, as a Katekyo character, another is Cosplaying as a J-rock band member (although that isn't really a Cosplay, is it?) and another as a character from an anime she hasn't decided on yet.
Alright, I'm sure I've bored a lot of people with my ramblings.
Who am I kidding?
I'm just doing this to waste more time.
Neways, I'm going to rest. Goodnight, all.

posted by Eleanor @ 9:09 am

Saturday, 23 February 2008

February 24, 2008

YAY! Finally got the blog back up. Again. -spamsinsanely- BWAHAHAHA. -hasofficiallygoneinsane- I decided to continue with the blog because I was bored. -shrugs- Anyway, Cosplay. ^^ Have been obsessing over it. And the Marauders. I refound my love for them. -spins- Haha. I think I'm high on drugs. ^^ Next Cosplay: the Matsuri, 16 March 2008! YAY! But I can't wait for the EOY. <33 I'll be Cosplaying. Haha. And L CHANGED THE WORLD IS OUT IN THEATRES! WHEE! I wanna go and watch. ^^ Hm...and as you can see, I was stupid enough to completely forget my cbox username and password. -____- Argh. And I poked my earring into the wrong place today, so now I have 2 holes at the back. Not in front, cuz I put it in the front properly. No, it's at the back where I poked it wrongly. And it bled. Geh. And Dotty has made me obsessed with the GazettE. My Senpai has made me obsessed with Katekyoushi. O____o And this year is streaming. -diesfromallthestresspiledupandlackofcomputer- NOO! And I'm waiting for the last episode of Tokyo Revelations to come out. HURRY UP! I WANT TO SEE KAMUI AND SUBARU! Hm...need to save up. For a new camera. And my Cosplay costume. Altogether will cost a few hudred dollars. WHY???!!! I need the money desperately...actually, it's not that bad. I'm getting the camera next week. The costume is at least after the June holidays. ^^ Can't wait to meet my team~ Anyways, got to go. Night all!


posted by Eleanor @ 10:08 am